Our Services
Retirement Planning
Choosing an appropriate retirement plan and staying informed of the constantly evolving tax laws** can be an arduous task. Our professionals are devoted to reviewing the ongoing tax law changes as well as continuous product updates and advancements.
Because our firm concentrates our efforts with independent contractor physicians and physician groups, we are very familiar with the challenges and opportunities available in this environment.
**Consult your tax attorney or CPA for specific advice on legal and tax matters.
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Financial Planning
We use a team approach to assist you in analyzing your overall financial position relative to your short and long-term financial goals. As a Registered Financial Consultant(RFC) designee and an Investment Advisor Representative of NEXT Financial Group, Inc. we will use a standard five step planning process to assist you with financial planning concerns, such as: Estate analysis and wealth transfer, retirement income planning, insurance needs analysis, and consolidated financial position reporting.
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Fogarty Financial Serives has access to numerous insurance companies that are recognized among the leaders in disability income insurance for physicians. Special emphasis is given to the provisions and definitions of the coverage to help ensure our clients obtain the most competitive policies available to the health professional.
Disability Income Insurance
Many physicians perceive that disability income insurance contractual provisions are fairly uniform. Unfortunately, this is not the case. One subtle difference in a definition or a benefit can potentially become significant in the event of a claim.
From a medical professional's point of view, the following are features to consider when reviewing your options. You need to know if your policy has the following features either as part of the contract or by an additional rider...
Non-cancelable and Guaranteed Renewable Coverage - The policy can't be changed (as long as premiums are paid on time) and your rates will not increase, until age 65. In fact, you should be able to keep your coverage for as long as you continue to work full time.
Coverage for HIV - If your employment is terminated due to being diagnosed HIV positive, benefits will be paid to you even though you are physically able to work at your occupation.
Liberal Definition of Total Disability - You are considered totally disabled when, due to injury or sickness, you are unable to perform the primary duties of your specialty. You can receive full benefits if you are unable to perform the primary activities of your current medical specialty.
Residual Disability Benefits - This provision ensures that you will continue to receive benefits even if you can perform some work and earn some income while partially disabled.
Indexing Pre-Disability Earnings - This benefit allows your residual benefits to keep pace with inflation.
Recurrent Disabilities - You are not subject to another waiting period for continuing illness or injury should a related disability reoccur within 12 to 18 months of the time you returned to work.
Presumptive Disability - This provision provides 100% of policy benefit for some conditions even if you are able to work in your occupation. These conditions are normally: loss of sight, speech, hearing, use of both hands, both feet, or one hand and one foot.
Waiver of Premium on Both Total and Residual Benefits - This provision waives premiums as they come due when you are receiving either total or partial benefits from your policy.
Guaranteed Increase Option - This feature allows you to increase your coverage, without proof of insurability.
Claims Paying Ability - When protecting your most valuable asset, you should prefer a top rated company.
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Today, college savings strategies are more abundant than ever and deciding which one is best for you is no easy task. Whether your situation calls for ways to access your retirement plan or utilize the ever-changing 529 College Savings Plans* or the Coverdell ESA, we have professionals who specialize in this area.
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We believe that an investment policy and asset allocation strategy can be designed only after the initial financial strategy process is complete and your goals are established. We also understand that taxes represent a significant consideration for every long-term
investor and that by reducing income taxes, investors can retain more wealth to help meet their goals. Therefore we exercise care in the appropriate placement of investments within taxable and tax-deferred accounts.
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Professionals with Fogarty Financial Services will assist in determining the amount of coverage required to help ensure that survivors are left in the same or better financial situation to which they are accustomed while the client was actively producing income. Current liabilities (e.g., mortgages, outstanding loans, etc.) and future liabilities (e.g. education for children) are considered. Our professionals will also provide you with quotes from highly competitive insurers throughout the industry offers and recommend the appropriate type of coverage for your unique situation.
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Health Insurance
A Fogarty Financial Service professional can assist you in reviewing the most competitive individual health insurance plans available in your state. Comparisons will be made on cost effective alternatives to reduce the cost of health insurance (e.g., PPO Plans, various deductibles, coinsurances, and optional benefits) and to ‘tailor’ a plan to your specifications.
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Healthcare Savings Accounts
Fogarty Financial Servies offers a variety of Healthcare Savings Accounts and Qualified Healthcare Savings Account Health Plans. We can help identify the most competitive plans available.
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Life Insurance
Investment Strategies*
College Education Funding
Long Term Care Insurance
Your Fogarty Financial Services professional will assist you in analyzing the numerous types of Long Term Care Insurance Policies and help you identify the most appropriate coverage for you from among the nation’s leading insurance companies.